For quite a few years, Morton Hall had two completed bedrooms – Laurie’s room (a.k.a. the green bedroom) and Catherine’s room (a.k.a. the peach room). This worked well for years – coming out on the weekends to work and not spending too much time inside the house (other than on work projects). Then, a few years ago (possibly when the temporary kitchen got started), folks started wanting to come out and stay over. Wow! We were flattered but then started thinking, are there enough beds? The short answer is: not really. This also gave me an excuse to convince Laurie that the next project should be to finish another bedroom. The little room directly off of the bathroom was the only potential bedroom. Luckily, most of the plaster work was already done. All we really needed to do was empty the room, do a quick spackle job, sand, paint, and make it gorgeous (my favorite part). Being the determined worker bees that we are, we knocked this entire project out quickly. Then the fun part began – decorating!
Let me recap some of the more interesting things:
- Curtains are actually shower curtains from Wal Mart. They were cheap, fun, and we didn’t care if they got ruined.
- The lamps are a fantastic clearance find from Target. They were squirreled away in my decorating closet for a few years before being taken out to MH. The lamp shades are actually gold lined and are soft and gorgeous when turned on. They came from Lowe’s.
- Little framed dog pictures (black labs) – as the “theme” for this room evolved (dogs), these tiny works of art felt like the perfect little pop of “awww”. The frames came from a clearance from my local Safeway (weird I know). The art is from a little book I picked up at a thrift store and cut up.
- The awesome dog chalk board was something Laurie spotted with her eagle eye at WIN (Women in Need, Chestertown). It is originally from Pottery Barn and it was love at first sight.
- Reindeer hooks on the back of the door were a clearance find from Arhaus in Baltimore. They were something ridiculous like $2 each.
- Mirrors above the fireplace was a project we tackled last year. We found all of the rectangular mirrors on clearance at the local home improvement store for practically nothing. Having gotten one from craigslist/freecycle and putting over Laurie’s fireplace, we liked the look and wanted to repeat it throughout the house. One was hung up in the living room, kitchen, peach room, and the blue guest room.
- Little birds along the mantle came from various sources – Ross, Home Goods, thrifting, and a little tea shop in Middletown, DE.
- The closet to the left of the bed is used for cleaning supplies and the door was removed eons ago and never replaced. Until that chore is done, I hung up a spring rod and added a curtain with rings. The curtain is insulated which cuts down on drafts and keeps the A/C and heater from heating up the closet.
Please enjoy some before and after photos below.
- Before
- After
- Before
- After
- After (close up of mantle)
- Before
- After
- After
- After
- After
As this is still a work in progress, and anyone who knows me knows that I constantly change things, the room has already been changed. The furniture was just too large so that got moved to the peach room and now the blue room feels larger. And more pieces of furniture fit in!
- More room for guests 🙂
- Beautiful cuvet cover
- Another angle
- Don’t you just want to have breakfast in bed?
- More room for a little reading spot
Thanks for reading 🙂